Jun 21Liked by Kristen Berman

I agree, the wow factor is shrinking or wears off quickly. For me too.

For me there are four factors that have generally left me underwhelmed:

- As mentioned in the video, incremental improvement rather than exponential. I am expecting much more.

- Improvement of a single task, rather than improvement of all steps to accomplish my goal.

- Not being better on a scale that matters. For example, using time as the metric, if AI reduces the time to get an image, versus find something good enough on Unsplash, by a few minutes (after multiple iterations to try and get what I want), cool but not amazing. Even more underwhelming if all milestones of the goal I want to accomplish will take 1 hour or more, and not critical to have that just right image.

- Environmental impact, a Google search is a factor of 10x less energy than a single prompt in AI, plus other factors such as enormous quantities of water usage to keep the servers cool. I get it, this is part of the cost, but are they really worth it, for now I would say no.

I am not anti-AI, I think it is interesting to see such a technology happen in my lifetime. I am just pro much better applications of the technology, that create massive value, as the technology truly fits the problem being solved, based on the technologies current capabilities.

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thanks for the thoughtful response! Appreciate. I am weirdly hopefully this is the awkward teenage years for AI and it will be a different world in 5 years or so

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Jun 21Liked by Kristen Berman

Thank you again for another great video!😀

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