Thank you for sharing,.. can't believe google did this,..

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Maybe they created the pages with AI? đŸ˜‚ (Though AI probably would have done a much better job.)

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Wouldn't say unbelievable, as Product and Portfolio grows, it just gets clunky and comes down to fine tuned maintenance. If I look at Amazon.com, I get lost in heaps of menus, filters and so crowded.

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Agree generally - but did you watch the video? :) the whole flow is wild and it’s a new product that is a big part of their strategy and stock price - and in theory since it’s new and not built on other stuff - cant carry as much baggage. Workplace pricing page is pretty normal / legit https://workspace.google.com/lp/business/

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100% !, Workplace pricing page is normal. The world gets the sense of mad rush that every company wants to be on the frontier of AI. The grave mistakes like this, will have an impact on stock price as you said, if investors see not much of Conversion. Perhaps as a bolt-on to Workplace, it might see traction in Adoption.

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Good points. I have one question though - where you were talking about $10 with $12 crossed out, you said that's not how you say $2 off but say 20% off. But those are two different things - one is discount, another is price. Since there is no "$2 off" mentioned there, it "$12" can't be replaced by "20% off".

Also, relatedly, do you have study/research that backs up % off at lower prices, and $ off at higher prices ?

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